
Enterprise environmental factors in this context refer to internal and external staffing factors like "availability", "ability", or "experience" (comp. PMBOK3, p. 210).

• And Organizational process assets in this context refer to the fact that "one or more of the organizations involved in the project may have policies, guidelines, or procedures governing staff assignments" (comp. PMBOK3, p. 210)

(6.2) Zusammenstellen des Projektsteams

(6.2.1) Process Input

... generated by predecessor processes

... introduced by external units

  • Enterprise Environmental Factors
  • Organizational Process Assets

(6.2.2) Process Definition

Aquire Project Team is the process for "[...] obtaining the human resources needed to complete the project"  (comp. PMBOK3, p. 199). The main task is to generate the project staff assignments.

The subject Human Resource Management operates on the base of other human resources concerning concepts

(6.2.3) Tools and Techniques

PMBOK Mentioned Methods

  • Pre-assignments are (externally driven) decisions that one resource has to be integrated into the project
  • Negotiation are methods to expand the project team for example by "discussing" with functional managers or other project management teams
  • Acquisition is the buy-in of resources or required services
  • Virtual teams is a method to connect resources without bringing them really into the same organization or location

(comp. PMBOK3, pp. 210f)

Open Source Tools

  • NN

(6.2.4) Process Output

  • The Project Staff Assigments are closed if "[...] appropriate people have been assigned to work on (the project)" and if that has been documented.
  • The Resource Availability is a survey documenting "the time periods each project team member can work on the project"
  • Updates of the Staffing Management Plan are generated by specifying which person fullfills which roles and so on.

(comp. PMBOK3, p. 212)

(6.2.5) Output Using Successor Processes

Successors using the initially generated output as own input(1):

Processes using the updates as input(2):

  1. For details see FAQ::Q001:1
  2. For details see FAQ::Q001:2