
Enterprise environmental factors in this context refer to the general knowledge about the the structure of organizations (comp. PMBOK3, p. 203).

• And Organizational process assets in this context refer to specific guidelines of the organization which owns the project (comp. PMBOK3, p. 204)

(6.1) Personalbedarfsplanung

(6.1.1) Process Input

... generated by predecessor processes

... introduced by external units

  • Enterprise Environmental Factors
  • Organizational Process Assets

(6.1.2) Process Definition

Human Resource Planning is the process for "[...] identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships, as well as creating the staffing management plan"  (comp. PMBOK3, p. 199). The main task of this process is the creation of the staffing management plan which includes at least the following points:

  • "how and when how many project team members will be required"
  • "the criteria for releasing them from the project"
  • "identification of training needs"
  • "plans for recognitions and rewards"
  • "compliance considerations"
  • "safety issues"
  • "impact of the staffing amanagement plan on the organization"

(comp. PMBOK3, p. 202).

The subject Human Resource Management operates on the base of other human resources concerning concepts

(6.1.3) Tools and Techniques

PMBOK Mentioned Methods

  • Organization charts and position descriptions have the task to describe "member roles and responsibilities" and can be classified into three types (comp. PMBOK3, p. 205f):
    • Hierachical-type charts are used to represent top down orientied structures like the
      • Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) (for explaining the "organization's [...] departments, units, or teams"),
      • Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) (for explaining the types and subtypes of the project resources)
    • Matrix-based charts are used to represent flat connection oriented structures like the responsibility assignment matrix (RAM) (for connecting tasks and realizers). The link between task and realizer can be differentiated by inserting different connections like "responsible, accountable, consult, inform" (RACI)
  • Text oriented formats are used to descibe explicitely who has  to do what and how and who has to report to whom.
  • Networking is a method for being connected to other people and for connecting other people to the project (comp. PMBOK3, p. 206).
  • Organizational theory is a description of the behavior of human beings inside of larger frameworks while respecting and using the rules of the organization (comp. PMBOK3, p. 206). Some of these theories are for example:
    • Maslow's Hierarchie of Needs is containing the five levels "physiological" (one has to live), "safety" (one has to feel comfortable, "belonging" (one has to be part of a community), "esteem" (one has to inspect himself), "self actualization" (everything is ok): "the key is to find out where someone is in the (hierarchy) and use items from that area to motivate" (comp. CROSSWIND7, pp. 358ff)
    • Herzberg's Motivational Theory says in nuce, "[...] that in most cases, money does not create motivation", but improvements of the working environments (comp. CROSSWIND7, pp. 358ff). Herzberg also says, that "Hygiene factors" like "working conditions", "salary", "personal life", "releationships at work", "security", or "status" "[...] will not improve motivation". Motivation will be improved by the "Motivating agents", like "responsibility", "self-actualization", "professional growth", "recognition" (comp. RITA5, pp. 288f).
    • McGregors's Theroy X and Y which is a an establishment of two types of members: those, who want to be guided (X) and those who want to realize a goal (Y) (comp. CROSSWIND7, pp. 358ff)

Open Source Tools

  • NN

(6.1.4) Process Output

  • The list of Roles and Responsibilities contains units which are defined by four aspects:
    • role :- the describing name for that what should be done
    • authority :- the description of what the role owner are allowed to decided and so on
    • responsibility :- the description of  what the role owner has to do
    • competency :- the description of those skills which the owner has to have
  • The Project Organization Charts are sets of hierachical-type charts for explaining the reporting relationships to the project team members
  • The Staffing Management Plan is a subset of the project management plan and contains all tasks and aspects for building and improving a project team. Such tasks are for example
    • staff acquisition :- who enters how for which costs ...?
    • timetable (Resource Histogram) :- who enters when ?
    • release criteria :- who leaves when and why?
    • training needs :- who will be improved by what?
    • recognitions and rewards :- who shall be awarded when and for which results?
    • compliance :- which rules must be respected?
    • safety :- how one can minimize hazards?

(comp. PMBOK3, p. 207)

(6.1.5) Output Using Successor Processes

Successors using the initially generated output as own input(1):

  1. For details see FAQ::Q001:1