Example for a first impression
We assume that you probably want to get a first impression as fast as possible. Ok. myPmps wants to give you what you wish:
Using the myPmpsFactory package we have automatically customized a new project-directory. The acronym of our example project is 'SPMPYM'. Do you recognize this name? Here are the results converted to pdf:
myPmpsProjectCharter: Establishes the contract between project sponsor and manager. Is usable as output of the process Develop Project Charter
myPmps-Preliminary-Project-Scope-Statement: Reply of the project manager to the project charter. Refines the understanding of the task. Is usable as output of the process Develop Preliminary Project Scope Statement
myPmps-Project-Scope-Statement: Final specification of the project targets and deliverables. Is usable as output of the process Scope Definition
myPmps-Wbs-Activity-List: Integrated representation of the work breakdown structure, the activity list and the activity attributes. Is usable as output of the processes Create WBS, Activity Definition, Activity Resource Estimating and Activity Duration Estimating.
myPmps-Project-Schedule: Planner document. Contains the logical successors sturcture of the activities. Is usable as output of the processes Activity Sequencing and Schedule Development .
(VII) myPmpsFactory
(VII.A) myPmpsFactory : Definition
The name myPmpsFactory can be resolved as mind your Project management process software Factory. It's a collection of documents and directories following the PMI conventions. If one looks at the classification of the existing opensource project management software then one has to state that some knowledge areas are still not supported by opensource software. myPmpsFactory intends to become a free solution which fills such lacks (for details see the license page).
YES!!! myPmpsFactory offers structures and documents which you may use for your own purposes. You get free software and free licensed documents. The main message is: Feel free to share and/or to remix those parts which you want use.
myPmpsFactory is offered as manually customizable myPmpsFactory package (usable on LINUX and WINDOWS) and as automatically customizable myPmpsFactory package (still only usable on LINUX). In each case myPmpsFactory contains:
- a directory tree following the names and the structure of the pmi knowledge areas and the project management processes
- a set project management documents (templates) which are prepared to be completed by the corresponding generating and updating project management processes:
- a Project Charter (Open Office Writer Document)
- a Preliminary Project Scope Statement (Open Office Impress Document)
- a Project Scope Statement (Open Office Impress Document)
- an integrated WBS-Activity-List (Open Office Calc Document) containing linked versions of the Work Breakdown Structure, the Activity List and the Activity Attributes
- a Project Schedule (Planner Document)
- a Risk Managemant Plan, a Risk Register and a Risk Report
The manually customizable myPmpsFactory is offered as a zip file, containing all directories and all documents. The documents are prepared to be manually customized by the project manager.
The automatically customizable myPmpsFactory is offered as GNU software package. It can be installed by using 'configure, make, make install'. It contains
- the same still uncustomized project managment documents
- a script to generate (= to initialize ) the pmi directory tree and to copy the uncustomized documents into the project managemetn process directories
- a script for customizing the generated tree and the documents on the base of a specific configuration file