
• Project Time Management is another example for the interdependence of the project management processes and their knowledge areas: The rough rule of thumb says «The more resources one can set on an activity, the shorter is the durance». But on the one hand there is often a task intrinsic limit. («Reflect the type of activity»). And on the other hand there may be external limits given by the budget («Reflect the external conditions»).

Project Time Management

The Project Time Management has to describe and execute all those "[...] processes required to accomplish timely completion of the project". And like the other knowledge areas the Project Time Management contains an internal structure following the pattern of «plan», «execute», and «control»:

  • At first one has to find, list and describe all those activities "[...] that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables".
  • Secondly all these activities have to be logically arranged by answering the question which activities require the results of other activities.
  • Then there follow two parallel processes, which interact directly («the more resources, the less durance»):
    • On the one hand one has to estimate the nescessary resources of the activities.
    • On the other hand one has to estimate the duration of the activities.
  • Having all these information one can create the project schedule as big picture.
  • And finally one has to control the fullfillment of that project schedule.

(comp. PMBOK3, page 123)