Some Additional Remarks Concerning the Subject Quality

Some systemical remarks
  • Quality and Grade "[...] are not the same. Grade is a category assigned to products or services having the same functional use but different technical charakteristics": grade may be thought as set of features, and quality may be thought as the "degree of goodness" which has been reached by implementing the features. Therefore "low quality is always a problem; low grade may not be": having more features which don't work correctly is worse than having less features which really work (comp. PMBOK3, p. 179).
  • Precision and Accuray must also be distinguished: The precision of measurements means the degree of how often a measurement can be repeated under the same circumstances by delivering the same results. The accuracy of measurements denotes the distances between reality and measured value of that reality (comp. PMBOK3, p. 179).
  • Process boundaries "[...] describes the purpose, start, and end of processes, their inputs and outputs, data required ..." and so on (comp. PMBOK3, p. 187).
  • Process configurations may be represented in form of flocharts of processes (comp. PMBOK3, p. 187).
  • Process metrics constitute the "maintain control over the status of processes" (comp. PMBOK3, p. 187).
  • Total Quality Management  is the focusing of all partners and members of a project on quality.
  • Six Sigma is a type of ranking system for measuring the progess of quality.
Some historical hints
  • 1954: W. Edwards Deming formulates the Plan/Do/Check/Act-Cycle and the rule, that 85% of all quality problems are the responsibility of management
  • 1957: Joseph M. Juran formulates the triple of Quality Planning, Quality Improvement, Quality Control, defines Quality as "fitness for use" and discovers the 80/20-rule
  • 1960: Genuchi Taguchi formulates quality as design process
  • 1970: Philip B. Crosby indicates that quality exists where no defect can be observed and that therefore cost of quality really is cost of nonconformance.: "[...] quality is confromance to requirements".   

(comp. RITA5, p. 237)