(VII.B) myPmpsFactory : Documentation


What is myPmpsFactory?

myPmpsFactory is software for generating an already prefilled and at least partially customized project directory containing directly usable project management documents. This software need's Linux or any other X based system, offering the gnutools, a bash, sed, tr and php.

Beside the software we are also offering one prototypic project directory. To work out this directory (by doing the last customizing work manually) is a good solution for those, who are using an operating system which don't allow to install the software directly.

What do I need for being able to use myPmpsFactory?

For both kinds of packages you must have access to Open Office 3. For the automatically customizing myPmpsFactory software you need a linux system containing the software packages bash, sed, tr, grep, and php. For installing the software you need the GNU-tools which offer the 'configure, make, make install' - technology.

Under which conditions may I use myPmpsFactory?

The scripts and applications of myPmpsFactory are offered under GNU GPL license, version 2.0 or later. The project management documents themselves are published under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Germany License. For more details read the license chapter.

Where can I get myPmpsFactory?

Details are listed on the download-page.

How do I install myPmpsFactory?

  • Download the tarball myPmpsFactory-x.y.z.tar.gz.
  • Open a shell
  • Extract the tarball and change into the generated directory
  • Read the README file and the INSTALL file.
  • Execute the following Steps:
    • ./configure --prefix=/where/do/you/want/to/have/software&data
    • make
    • <become root [ or execute the following command as sudo </li>
    • make install

How do I generate and customize a new project-directory?

  • Open a shell.
  • Change into that directory where you want to create the new project-directory.
  • Call: $PathToMyPmps/bin/initMyPmpsPrj.sh $YourPrjDirName
  • Edit the file $YourProjectDirectoryName/mypmpsProjectConfiguration.txt and update the following lines by your own values
    • CUST_PROJ_DECO="CATS as tactile spectators"
    • CUST_PMAN_NAME="Monsieur Diderot"
  • Call: $PathToMyPmps/bin/customizeMyPmpsPrj.sh $YourPrjDirName

How do I use the new project-directory for doing my job as project manager?

  1. Develop the Project Charter by editing the file $YourPrjDir/1-ProjectIntegrationManagement/11-DevelopProjectCharter/myPmpsProjectCharter.odt
  2. Develop the Preliminary Project Scope Statement by editing the file $YourPrjDir/1-ProjectIntegrationManagement/12-DevelopPreliminaryProjectScopeStatement/myPmpsPreliminaryProjectScopeStatement.odp
  3. Develop the Project Scope Statement by editing the file $YourPrjDir/2-ProjectScopeManagement/22-ScopeDefinition/myPmpsProjectScopeStatement.odp
  4. Create the WBS by editing the first sheet of the file $YourPrjDir/2-ProjectScopeManagement/23-CreateWorkBreakdownStructure/myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods
  5. Create the Activity List by editing the second sheet of the file myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods
  6. Create the Activity Attributes by editing the third sheet of the file myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods
  7. Develop the Activity Sequences in two steps:
    1. Transfer the Activity Labels from myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods into the file $YourPrjDir/3-ProjectTimeManagement/35-ScheduleDevelopment/myPmpsProjectSchedule.planner (or edit the file $YourPrjDir/3-ProjectTimeManagement/32-ActivitySequencing/myPmpsProjectScheduleNetworkDiagram.planner, which is a link to myPmpsProjectSchedule.planner)
    2. Establish the logical sequences of the activities by inserting the successor relations into the file myPmpsProjectSchedule.planner
  8. Insert the Activity Cost Estimates into the files myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods (and perhaps also into the file myPmpsProjectSchedule.planner)
  9. Insert the Activity Duration Estimates into the file myPmpsWbsActivityList.ods and finally transfer the durations into the file myPmpsProjectSchedule.planner
  10. Customize the Risk Management Plan, maintain the Risk Register and use the Risk Report to communicate the results of your risk management.